Marcia Hafif The Inventory: Paintings
Pencil on Paper

Acrylic Painting

An Extended Gray Scale

Oil Studies/Mass Tone

Egg Tempera


Ink Drawing

Wall Painting

Neutral Mix

Broken Color

Black Painting

Roman Painting

French Painting

Enamel on Wood

Table of Pigments

Red Painting

Glaze Painting

Acrylic Glaze Painting

Late Roman Painting
 Pacific Ocean Painting

Double Glaze Painting


Pale Painting

Fresco Painting

Splash Painting

Shade Painting

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Table of Pigments

From Letters to J-C: "I have started a set of paintings - Ur paintings, Oil Studies. I balance with indecision - shall I really make them? I use poisonous pigments on these, but the surface and color I get with them is better than I can find any other way. I will do it, I might continue with them all summer."
These were a kind of repetition of the color studies of 1973-4, the same 22x22" size but on a deeper stretcher.

Cobalt Violet, o/c, 22x22", 1991

Cadmium Red Light, o/c, 22x22", 1991
