Marcia Hafif The Inventory: Paintings
Pencil on Paper

Acrylic Painting

An Extended Gray Scale

Oil Studies/Mass Tone

Egg Tempera


Ink Drawing

Wall Painting

Neutral Mix

Broken Color

Black Painting

Roman Painting

French Painting

Enamel on Wood

Table of Pigments

Red Painting

Glaze Painting

Acrylic Glaze Painting

Late Roman Painting
 Pacific Ocean Painting

Double Glaze Painting


Pale Painting

Fresco Painting

Splash Painting

Shade Painting

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An Extended Gray Scale

After color, black and white, the artist's gray scale, as many gradations as I could determine by comparison and sight becoming a set of 106 22 x 22" oil paintings, white to black. Plans were made, and drawings, for the many ways in which these paintings could be seen: one long row, two, three, four, or merely a section of the whole.

An Extended Gray Scale, Numbers 1 to 19 of 106, studio view, 1973

An Extended Gray Scale, Numbers 1 to 52 of 106, studio view, 2014

An Extended Gray Scale, Numbers 53 to 106 of 106, studio view, 2014

An Extended Gray Scale, center section, P.S.1, 1990

An Extended Gray Scale, June 03, 1991, pencil on paper, 30x42"
